Alleman Happenings

October 09, 2008

Moving On Up!!!!

We can't believe that in a few more weeks we will be moving! It still feels surreal. We are very excited about our new home. Carter keeps asking us if he can sleep at his new house. He is very excited to be neighbors with his best friends, KC and Alexander Harris! So are his parents! Can we say "RACQUETBALL EVERY NIGHT???" LOL...Just kidding! But is is going to be very fun and quite the new experience for us. We will miss living downtown, being so close to everything. There are certainly some things we will NOT miss....LOL.

As we prepare to move, we are also focusing on work and school and SAVING $$$ :). It is a busy time for all of us. Jamie and Carter were able to go up to Idaho recently and help Grandma jar her apples! Carter had a lot of fun helping out.

We enjoyed listening to General Conference and felt the spirit as the General Authorities talked about unity in ithe gospel and unity in the family. We were also impressed with Elder Uchdorf's message regarding HOPE!! What an amazing principle. Especialy at a time when there are so many worries in the world. Now is not a time for fear, it is a time for FAITH.

We are grateful for all of our friends and family during this time. Congrats Jen and Anth on your new addition! Congrats Ruby and Sam on your new addition! Maybe something is in the water.... :)